Lesson 2: God Tells Job About His Creation 03/31/2025
Classroom: My Classroom
Job 38–39; Psalm 8 Leader Guide for Ages 3-6

Teachers Dig In


Dig In to the Bible

  • Read: Job 38–39; Psalm 8
  • In This Passage: In response to Job’s questions about his suffering, God speaks. He declares the wonder of his creation, showing that he’s in control because he made everything just as he planned. In Psalm 8, David marvels at what God has made, pointing out that God put humans in charge of his creation.
  • Bible Point: God is the Creator.
  • Summary Verse: “O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens” (Psalm 8:1).


Dig Deeper

  • You’ll Be Teaching: God is the Creator. Your kids may be more familiar with the account of creation from Genesis 1 and 2, so this could be a new take on creation for them! Exploring what God himself declared about all that he made will fill your kids with a sense of awe and wonder at their Creator.
  • Think About: Look around you and find three things God made. What do they show you about God?


Dig In to Prayer

  • Ask God to show you and your kids more and more about himself through the wonderful things he made.


Quick Tip

  • Encourage creativity! When kids are creative, they’re reflecting the God who made them in his image. So if kids go a little off from the craft directions or march to the beat of their own drum, encourage it if it’s genuine creative expression and not intentional distraction.

This Lesson at a Glance


Preschoolers share about a topic related to the lesson.


  • Bible

Music Video

Preschoolers sing songs of praise to God.


  • “Priceless Treasure” (watch or download here)  

  • “Made for This” (watch or download here)  

  • “No, Not One” (watch or download here

Core Bible Discovery

Preschoolers investigate part of God’s creation and sing a song.


  • Bible
  • living plant

Core Bible at Home

Only available in One Room class format.


Talk-About Video

Recommended for elementary kids.


  • “Big and Small” teaching video (watch or download here)

Preschool Puppet Skit

Recommended for preschoolers.


  • Theophilus the FaithRetriever™ Puppet (order here)

Object Lesson

Preschoolers match unique animals to their habitats.


  • “Creative Creatures” handout (1 per child) (download here)
  • “Creative Habitats” handout (1 copy) (download here)
  • scissors or paper cutter
  • tape

Easy Prep

  • Cut apart the “Creative Creatures” handouts, and pile the cards from each handout in its own pile so each child can have a full set of animal cards.
  • Cut apart the “Creative Habitats” handout. Then tape the pictures spread out on the walls in your room.

Deeper Bible

Preschoolers act out favorite things in Creation.


  • Bible
  • upbeat worship music
  • music player

High-Energy Game

Preschoolers imitate different animals.


Low-Energy Game

Preschoolers play I Spy.



Preschoolers create their own creatures.


  • paper cups (1 per child)
  • glue sticks
  • transparent tape
  • markers
  • googly eyes (several per child)
  • various craft supplies (feel free to use anything you have available, such as paper plates, cotton balls, chenille wire, yarn, or construction paper shapes)

Easy Prep

  • Designate specific craft supplies that can be used as wings, hair/fur, antennae/legs, and facial features. Cut supplies such as construction paper, yarn, or paper plates as needed.
  • Make a sample craft to show kids, using some of each supply.

Life Application Wrap-Up

Preschoolers use motions to thank God for different parts of his creation.



Preschoolers receive a take-home page about the lesson.


  • this week’s “Dig In @ Home” handout (1 per child) (download here)

Easy Prep

  • Add your church announcements to the “Dig In @ Home” handout.

*Marked supplies can be reused from Core Bible Discovery

Let's keep kids safe! You can help by using supplies as instructed for only ages 3+, purchasing child-safe items, and being aware of allergy concerns.

Opening [5 min]



  • Bible


  • Thank kids for coming.
  • Just for fun, have kids high-five three of their friends.
  • Make announcements.
  • Introduce new kids.
  • Celebrate birthdays by having preschoolers whisper the “Happy Birthday” song.
  • Collect the offering.


Introduce the Lesson

  • Say: Today we’ll learn God is the Creator. That means he made the whole world and what we see in the sky. From the stars and sun to the birds, trees, water, and animals—God made it all. He even made you and me.



  • Share about your favorite part of nature.
  • In leader-led small groups, have preschoolers share about their favorite part of nature. Steer them to plants, animals, or landforms. If preschoolers mention things such as robots or rockets, affirm their answers and point out that God created people who made those things.
  • After small groups have discussed, have adult or teen helpers share with the whole group what they talked about in their small groups.



            Open a Bible, and say: I’m so glad God made all those things—and that he made you and me! Let’s dig in to what it means that God is the Creator.

            Pray, thanking God for being the Creator.

Music Video [10 min]

Priceless Treasure


  • “Priceless Treasure” (watch or download here)  

  • “Made for This” (watch or download here)  

  • “No, Not One” (watch or download here


  • Don’t have internet in your classroom? That’s okay! You can choose your own worship songs from our Best Of Dig In Music DVD here


Sing Songs to God

            Sing the three songs in any order.

Core Bible Discovery [20 min]

God Tells Job About His Creation (Job 38–39; Psalm 8)


  • Bible
  • living plant

Investigate God’s Creation

            Say: Today we’ll find out God is the Creator. Show the Bible. The Bible says God made the sky, the animals, and even you and me. Show the living plant. He even made this special plant. We see plants every day, so it might not seem that neat; but God made even this plant in a special way for a reason. Let’s find out more about it.

            Lead kids in observing the following aspects about the plant:

  • color
  • size
  • scent
  • age
  • feel of the leaves, stems, or petals
  • noises it makes when you blow on it

            Say: There are so many things to find out about this plant! God made it for a reason. Plants give us something in the air called oxygen so we can breathe. And plants help fill our world with beauty!

            Share a few examples of ways you interact with plants. Maybe you liked to climb trees or swing on a tree swing as a child. Or maybe you enjoy picking flowers from a field or sitting under the shade of a tree.

            Ask: • Tell about a flower or plant you enjoy like that.

            Say: God made plants for many reasons!


Sing a Song

            Say: God also made so many other things in the world besides plants! And every single thing he made is special and complex in some way. God is the Creator of all—let’s sing a song about that!

            Lead kids in singing the following song to the tune of “B-I-N-G-O.”


            God created everything, (point up)

            He made the sun shine brightly! (make “O” shape over head)

            He made the big moon. (make circle with thumbs and pointers)

            He made all the stars. (extend arms up and open and close fists)

            He made land and sea. (wiggle arms parallel to floor)

            God is the Creator! (point up)


            God created everything, (point up)

            He made the fish that swim free! (push palms together and weave them left and right)

            He made all the birds. (flap arms)

            He made animals. (hop like bunnies)

            He made people, too. (point at others)

            God is the Creator! (point up)


Repeat, as time allows.


Talk About It

            Say: God is the Creator; he’s amazing! He made so many great things, and he made people to take care of all the wonderful things he made (show the plant), like this plant. He wants us to care for the plants and animals and fish and birds and everything!

            Share one way you can treat the plants God made with kindness. You might say give them water, not stomp on them, or plant some more seeds.

            Ask: • What’s a way you can take care of plants God made? Preschoolers might say they can be gentle with them, make sure they’re in the sun, or water them.

            Say: Let’s practice some ways we can take care of God’s special creation. Have kids act out the following prompts.

  • Pet a dog or cat gently.
  • Throw garbage in a trash can, not on the ground.
  • Water a plant.
  • Step over a flower instead of on it.

            Say: God put us in charge of caring for all he made, but he’s the Creator of all! God is so amazing; let’s tell him that now. Lead kids in a brief prayer, acknowledging how amazing God, the Creator, is.

Core Bible at Home [20 min]

Not available for this age level.

To use this feature, please ask your DIG IN Director to create a One Room classroom. For instructions and tips on creating a classroom for at-home lessons, click here.

Talk-About Video [10 min]

Big and Small


  • “Big and Small” teaching video (watch or download here)


  • Talk-About Videos may work for preschoolers, but they’re geared more toward elementary kids. If you find that the videos aren’t hitting the mark for your preschoolers, try using the Preschool Puppet Skit activity block instead.
  • Don’t have internet in your classroom? That’s okay! You can download the videos before class using the “download” button at the link provided, or purchase DVDs here


Discuss and Watch “Big and Small”

            Say: We’re learning that God is the Creator.

            Ask: • What’s your favorite thing God created?

            Say: Those are all amazing things God made! Let’s watch a video with a lot of things God created…maybe you’ll see your favorite thing!

            Watch “Big and Small.”

            Ask: • Which part of creation in the video was most amazing to see?

            • What can the big parts of creation show you about God? What about the small things?

            Say: Big and small, God made it all! From the tallest mountain to the tiniest microorganism, God is the Creator of our universe…including you!

Preschool Puppet Skit [10 min]

Theo Learns About Creation


  • Theophilus the FaithRetriever™ Puppet (order here)


  • You may find it helpful to highlight your part and set the script on a music stand nearby during the skit.


Leader: It’s time for our puppy friend, Theo, to come for a visit. Let’s call him to our class with a “woof, woof.” Ready? (Leads kids to bark until Theo is brought into view.)


Theo: It’s good to see you! (Pants.) I really, really want a good scratch. Will you give me a scratch on the head? (Circulates among kids so each child can pet him.)


Leader: Thanks for giving a friendly welcome to Theo, kids! (Looks to Theo.) How are you today, Theo?


Theo: I’m grrrrrreat! (Looks to kids.) How are all my friends today? (Listens and responds to kids.)


Leader: We’re glad you’re here today, Theo!


Theo: I’m so excited to learn with you! What did you find out from the Bible today? (Listens to kids and responds to their answers.)


Leader: We found out God is the Creator.


Theo: What does that mean?


Leader: It means God made the whole world and everything in it, including us!


Theo: God is amazing!


Leader: You’re right! Do you want to learn a song that tells all about God’s creation?


Theo: (Hops excitedly.) I would love that!


Leader: (Leads kids and Theo in singing the following song to the tune of “B-I-N-G-O.”)


            God created everything, (point up)

            He made the sun shine brightly! (make “O” shape over head)

            He made the big moon. (make circle with thumbs and pointers)

            He made all the stars. (extend arms up and open and close fists)

            He made land and sea. (wiggle arms parallel to floor)

            God is the Creator! (point up)


            God created everything, (point up)

            He made the fish that swim free! (push palms together and weave them left and right)

            He made all the birds. (flap arms)

            He made animals. (hop like bunnies)

            He made people, too. (point at others)

            God is the Creator! (point up)


Repeat, as time allows.


Theo: Thanks for teaching me that song! I love songs because they help me remember. Now I can share with everyone that God is the Creator!


Leader: That’s great, Theo, because God wants to be friends with everyone!


Theo: (Pauses as if thinking.) My friend Becky Beagle doesn’t know yet that God wants to be her friend. I’m going to go teach her this song!


Leader: Great plan, Theo! Friends, let’s give Theo a big “woof, woof, goodbye”! (Leads kids to say “woof, woof, goodbye,” and then places Theo out of sight.)

Object Lesson [10 min]

How Creative!


  • “Creative Creatures” handout (1 per child) (download here)
  • “Creative Habitats” handout (1 copy) (download here)
  • scissors or paper cutter
  • tape

Easy Prep

  • Cut apart the “Creative Creatures” handouts, and pile the cards from each handout in its own pile so each child can have a full set of animal cards.
  • Cut apart the “Creative Habitats” handout. Then tape the pictures spread out on the walls in your room.

Guess Animal Habitats

            Say: Today we’re learning that God is the Creator, and that means God made our amazing world and all its living things! Let’s look at some of the special animals God made to live in very special places in the world.

  • Give each child a stack of animal cards, and have kids and leaders spread out in the room.
  • Allow kids to pick an animal card and then start to move around like that animal and make what they think is that animal’s sound (if there’s an obvious sound to make). Have leaders help kids who aren’t sure how their animal moves or sounds.
  • Then have kids each move like their animal toward the picture of the habitat where they think their animal belongs and place the card on the floor below the habitat picture.
  • When everyone has voted in this way for the first animal they chose, have preschoolers pick another card and do another fun round of wiggly, wild habitat voting.
  • Continue until everyone has guessed the habitat for each of the animal cards.
  • Then gather everyone to sit in the center of the room where all the habitat pictures are visible.
  • Walk to each habitat picture and call out a few of the animals you see on the floor, and then confirm the correct animal that belongs to each habitat.
    • Penguin—icy, snowy scene
    • Camel—barren, sandy desert scene
    • Monkey—lush jungle with trees scene
    • Kangaroo—long grass, rugged Australian outback scene
    • Clownfish—tropical coral reef scene
    • Moose—mountain lake scene
    • Ant—ant hill scene
    • Bee—honeycomb hive scene


Talk About It

            Say: God made some amazing creatures in our world! Some are so special they only live in special places, like what we see in the pictures.

            Ask: • What place would you like to live, and why?

            • What place would you not like to live, and why?

            Say: From the cold north and south poles of the world to the very warm rainforests and deserts—God is the Creator who made all those special places in our world. God made creatures just as special to be able to live in all those places, and God made all of us special, too!

Deeper Bible [15 min]

What’s Your Favorite?


  • Bible
  • upbeat worship music
  • music player


  • You can purchase downloadable music and other items to enhance your DIG IN program here


Act Out Things in Creation

            Say: God is such an amazing Creator! Let’s think about some of our favorite things God created.

           God created the day and the night.

            Ask: • Which is your favorite? Daytime (stretch like you’re just waking up) or nighttime (lay your head on your hands like you’re sleeping)? If kids prefer nighttime, have them lie down and pretend to sleep. If they prefer the day, lead them to stretch and pretend to wake up.

            Say: God created deep oceans and tall mountains.

            Ask: • Which would you rather visit, the ocean (pretend to swim) or the mountains (pretend to climb)? Play worship music, and invite kids to move around the room either swimming or climbing.

            Say: God created all the fish and the birds.

            Ask: • Would you rather soar through the air like a bird (flap your arms like you’re flying) or swim through the water like a fish (show kids how to put their palms together and wiggle them back and forth like a swimming fish)? Play the music, and encourage kids to either soar around the room like a bird or swim around the room like a fish.

            Say: God created all the animals. Act like an animal, and encourage kids to guess what it is.

            Ask: • If you could be an animal for a day, which would you pick? Play the music, and lead kids to move around the room acting like their favorite animals. If time allows, gather kids together and encourage a few willing kids to each act out their animal while friends guess what it is.


Thank God for Things in Creation

            Say: God is the Creator. He made our world and filled it with amazing things. Listen to this. Read aloud Psalm 104:24.

            Say: Let’s thank God that he is such an awesome Creator! We can thank him for one of the things we pretended to be today. Guide each child to thank God for something he created. If you have a large group, form leader-led groups for prayer.

High-Energy Game [10 min]

Walk This Way

Talk About Animals

            Say: God is the Creator of so many amazing animals!

            Share what animal is your favorite.

            Ask: • What’s your favorite animal? Encourage kids to call out the names of their favorite animals.


Walk Like Animals

            Say: Those are some wonderful animals. Let’s pretend to walk like some of those animals in a game. We’re going to make a pattern, so listen carefully!

  • Help kids line up, side by side, on one side of your play space.
  • Ask one child to call out the name of his or her favorite animal. (Pick a child whose favorite animal would be easy to imitate.)
  • Say: Let’s all walk like [animal]!
  • Lead kids to walk from one side of the room to the other as that animal. Encourage kids to imitate the sound the animal makes, too.
  • After everyone finishes crossing the room like that animal, ask another child to call out an animal.
  • Say: This time we’ll switch animals halfway through, so listen carefully. Lead kids to walk across the room like the first animal again. About halfway across, call out the name of the second animal, and lead kids to walk the remainder of the way as that animal.
  • Add a third animal to the pattern for the walk back, and then a fourth animal for the next crossing.
  • After crossing the room with the four-animal pattern once or twice, begin a new pattern with a new set of animals. As before, start with one animal and then add one new animal at a time to the pattern.
  • Continue playing as time allows, starting a new pattern after every four animals.


            Say: God is the Creator of all those incredible animals. God is the Creator of us, too. He is amazing!

Low-Energy Game [10 min]

I Spy

Talk About God’s Creation

            Say: Today we’re learning that God is the Creator. He made so many wonderful things! He made the trees and the stars and the elephants and the butterflies. He also made us. We’re God’s best creation. And we’re all different and special!

            Share something special about you. Maybe you love cheesecake, you have two brothers, or you can run really fast.

            Ask: • Tell me something special about you. Kids may share physical characteristics, abilities, or favorite things.


Play I Spy

            Say: Let’s play a game where we look for things that make our friends different and special.

  • Form leader-led groups, and help kids sit in a circle with their group and their leader.
  • Encourage each leader to pick a child in their group to describe. Leaders can say: I spy someone God made who… [something about the child’s appearance; for example, “is wearing a green shirt”].
  • Leaders can continue describing the child until someone in the group guesses who it is.
  • After kids guess who’s being described, leaders can pick a new child and begin a new round.
  • If kids would like a turn giving the descriptions, encourage leaders to help them choose someone in the group to describe. The leader can help by asking questions of the child giving descriptions, such as:
    • Is the friend wearing red shoes or blue shoes?
    • Is the friend a boy or a girl?
    • Is the friend wearing a shirt with a dinosaur or a shirt with a monkey?
    • Ask about any other identifying characteristics until the group guesses the child being described.
  • If time remains after all kids in the group have been described, leaders can begin describing other things in Creation. For example: I’m thinking of something God made that… [something about the item; for example, “can grow really tall”].
  • Continue playing as time allows.

            Say: God made so many amazing things. God is the Creator. He made all of our wonderful friends, too!

Craft [20 min]

Creative Creatures


  • paper cups (1 per child)
  • glue sticks
  • transparent tape
  • markers
  • googly eyes (several per child)
  • various craft supplies (feel free to use anything you have available, such as paper plates, cotton balls, chenille wire, yarn, or construction paper shapes)

Easy Prep

  • Designate specific craft supplies that can be used as wings, hair/fur, antennae/legs, and facial features. Cut supplies such as construction paper, yarn, or paper plates as needed.
  • Make a sample craft to show kids, using some of each supply.

Talk About Creativity

            Say: Today we’re talking about all the wonderful things God made. God is the Creator of the moon, the fish in the oceans, and all the animals. When God created people, he put some of his creativity in us. He gave us the ability to make some pretty special things.

            Share about something you’ve created. It may be a cool craft project, a yummy dessert, or a special story you tell your kids.

            Ask: • Tell about something special you’ve created. Kids may say they’ve drawn a special picture, made something special out of blocks, or made up their own song.


Make Creative Creatures

            Say: Let’s use our creativity to make something special right now.

  • Give each child a cup. Show kids each of the supplies you’ve collected as well as your sample craft.
  • Encourage kids to use the supplies in any way they choose to create their own special creatures. They can use as many or as few of each thing as they’d like.
  • If kids need help imagining what each supply could become, show them which supplies could be used as wings, antennae, etc. Then encourage kids to decide how many of each supply they want and where they want to place them.
  • Help kids glue or tape the supplies to the cups, and let them color their creatures if they’d like.
  • Praise their creativity and the uniqueness of each child’s creature.

            Say: You made some cool creatures today. God is the Creator, and he put some of his creativity in you! But as wonderful as our creations are, we can’t make them come to life and move around. Only God can do that! He created all the living things around us. God is the best Creator!

Life Application Wrap-Up [5 min]

Show Your Thanks

Make Motions

            Say: Today we learned that God is the Creator. Let’s thank him for some of the things he created. Lead kids in thanking God for the following things, and lead them in the corresponding motions.

  • God, thank you for making the bright sun. (make “O” shape over head)
  • Thank you for the pretty moon. (make circle with thumbs and pointer fingers)
  • Thank you for all the stars in the sky. (extend arms up and open and close fists)
  • Thank you for the water. (wiggle arms parallel to floor)
  • Thank you for the land. (march in place)
  • Thank you for the fish that swim free. (push palms together and weave them left and right)
  • Thank you for the birds flying high. (flap arms)
  • Thank you for the animals. (hop like bunnies)
  • And thank you for making us, too! (hands on hips)


Close in Prayer

            Say: God is the Creator, and we can take care of all God created. Let’s ask him to help us. Lead kids in a prayer asking God for help with taking care of God’s creation, and then close the prayer.

            Thank kids for coming, and invite them back next week.

Take-Home [0 min]

Dig In @ Home


  • this week’s “Dig In @ Home” handout (1 per child) (download here)

Easy Prep

  • Add your church announcements to the “Dig In @ Home” handout.

            Distribute a copy of the “Dig In @ Home” handout to kids as they leave, or email it to parents during the week.